Performance Report Appeals
Officer And Enlisted Performance Reports Are Critical To A Military Member’s Career Progression, Future Assignments And Retention
While general court-martial (and sometimes special court-martial) successes may result in more public recognition, there are many other military adverse actions that can have a dramatic impact on a military member’s career, future, and family. Our civilian defense attorneys handle these cases. Such cases include performance report appeals.
Because performance reports are critical to a military member’s career, having an experienced and aggressive defense attorney on your side could be absolutely vital in disputing and appealing a negative or inaccurate performance report. This includes referred or referral reports. In the different service branches, these reports are referred to as:
- Officer Performance Reports (OPRs) – Air Force
- Enlisted Performance Reports (EPRs) – Air Force
- Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs) – Army
- NonCommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs) – Army
- Navy Evals and FITREPs
- Marine Corps (USMC) Performance Evaluation System and Fitness Reports
- Coast Guard Performance Reviews and Evaluations
Each service branch (Army Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) has their own regulations addressing performance report appeals, from the local level all the way through various administrative boards – such as the Army DASEB, the Air Force ERAB, and/or the service branch Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR).