North Carolina Military Defense Lawyer
Civilian court-martial defense lawyer and military criminal defense attorney Richard V. Stevens (former active duty JAG defense lawyer) serves clients in North Carolina and has a worldwide military defense law practice.
North Carolina Military Defense Lawyer
Attorney Richard V. Stevens is a military defense attorney who exclusively defends military members facing military adverse actions, including court-martial (military trial), discharge boards/separation boards/elimination boards, military discipline, and military investigations (including AFOSI, CID, NCIS, CGIS, IG, and command investigations). He defends members of all military branches stationed around the world and he travels to wherever the client is stationed to defend them, when necessary.
Many of the cases attorney Richard V. Stevens has defended over the years have been at North Carolina military bases, including:
- Seymour Johnson AFB: Goldsboro, North Carolina area
- Pope AFB (Pope Air Field): Fayetteville, North Carolina area
- Fort Bragg: Fayetteville, North Carolina area
- Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station: Havelock/Jacksonville, North Carolina area
- New River Marine Corps Air Station: Jacksonville, North Carolina area
- Camp Lejeune: Jacksonville, North Carolina area
- Coast Guard Air Station and Coast Guard Base Elizabeth City
As a military law specialist, attorney Richard V. Stevens’ military legal defense practice includes all types of military specific adverse actions such as:
- General court-martial (military criminal trial)
- Special court-martial (military criminal trial)
- Summary court-martial (military criminal trial)
- Court-martial clemency
- Court-martial appeal
- Article 32 hearings
- Military discharge or separation, including show cause, board of inquiry and elimination boards
- Military discipline
- UCMJ actions
- Article 15, Nonjudicial Punishment (NJP), Captain’s Mast
- Admonition (letter of admonition – LOA)
- Reprimand (GOMOR or letter of reprimand – LOR)
- Demotion
- Investigations by IG, CID, AFOSI, NCIS, CGIS, AR 15-6, CDI, command
- Board of Correction for Military Records (BCMR) appeals
- Negative performance report or evaluation report appeals
- Security clearance issues
- Medical board cases and hearings (MEB, PEB)