Article 15, NonJudicial Punishment [N.J.P.], Captain’s Mast, Office Hours
The Military Justice System Includes Many Different Adverse Actions That Could Seriously Harm The Career And Future Of Military Members
While general court-martial (and sometimes special court-martial) successes may result in more public recognition, there are many other military adverse actions that could have a dramatically negatively impact on a military member’s career and future. Our civilian defense attorneys handle these adverse military actions. Such actions include Article 15s.
Article 15s are known by different terms in different service branches. This includes “Article 15,” “NonJudicial Punishment,” “N.J.P.,” “Captain’s Mast,” or “Office Hours.” This type of administrative adverse action is governed by UCMJ Article 15 and service specific regulations (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force). As the name implies, an Article 15 is not a criminal trial and Article 15 punishments do not include jail time. Being found guilty after an Article 15 presentation does not result in a criminal record.
An Article 15 is an administrative disciplinary action that can have a significant impact on a military member’s career (current rank, promotion, and assignments) – and could even lead to administrative discharge/separation in this time of military drawdowns. Because of this, having an experienced and aggressive defense attorney on your side is absolutely vital in these military cases.
Our attorneys defend military members facing Article 15s, which includes assistance with written presentation, personal presentation, and Article 15 appeals. Our attorneys are civilian criminal defense attorneys and former military JAG lawyers who exclusively practice military law and defend military members stationed around the world who are facing military trials, disciplinary actions, appeals, adverse actions, board hearings, and investigations. If you’re facing a military Article 15, don’t hesitate to seek the legal help you’re going to need.