Three Successful Outcomes for Military Officers
Recently, three military officers in different service branches had successful outcomes in the adverse administrative cases they faced. These officers were represented and defended by attorney Richard V. Stevens.
Because these were administrative disciplinary cases, there are Privacy Act issues and regulations that preclude the reporting of specific details. However, what can be generally described is…
Case #1 – Senior Field Grade Officer
This military officer faced a formal disciplinary investigation in which he was accused of offenses related to his command environment and actions. Through the course of the case, we submitted a lengthy rebuttal to the evidence in the investigation. Ultimately, the client’s command determined that no disciplinary action was warranted.
Case #2 – Field Grade Officer
This military officer faced a formal disciplinary investigation in which he was accused of professional violations, which could have resulted in him losing his professional military designation and being reported to state licensing officials. Initially, the recommendation was to take his professional designation and report him. We submitted a lengthy rebuttal to this recommendation, and the client was not disciplined, he retained his professional designation, and he was not reported.
Case #3 – Field Grade Officer
This military officer faced a formal disciplinary investigation in which she was accused of misconduct. The alleged misconduct was “substantiated” by the Investigating Officer, but we submitted a lengthy rebuttal to the investigation and the alleged “substantiation.” Ultimately, a low level disciplinary action was served and was kept in the client’s local (restricted) file, so it would not have ongoing negative consequences for her military career.
While these administrative military cases were successfully defended, it is important to understand that every case has different facts, and success in previous cases does not guarantee success in any particular future case. No military lawyer or civilian defense lawyer, including those who specialize in military law, can guarantee the outcome of any military trial or case.
For more information about the military justice system, particularly administrative disciplinary cases, please see our page at
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