Navy Pilot Remains Qualified for Aviation Service

Navy Pilot Remains Qualified for Aviation Service After Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board (FNAEB)

Recently, the U.S. Navy determined that a Navy officer and pilot defended by attorney Richard V. Stevens (Military Defense Law Offices of Richard V. Stevens, P.C.) would remain qualified for aviation service after a Field Naval Aviator Evaluation Board (FNAEB).

The officer/pilot client faced the FNAEB based on alleged failure to progress in flight upgrade training. The command was seeking to have the client disqualified from further aviation service. The client and attorney Richard V. Stevens attended the FNAEB, in which written presentations were made and the client testified. Several alleged issues were considered. Then, after the FNAEB concluded, and the case was processed up through the U.S. Navy Air Boss, other written submissions were made by the defense/respondent.

Ultimately, the Air Boss determined that the client would remain qualified for aviation service in the Navy, and would transfer to a different airframe. Given that the initial command recommendation was to disqualify the client from aviation service, this was a successful outcome.

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Attorney Richard Stevens

Mr. Stevens has been handling military cases since 1995. He has defended military cases dealing with the most serious military offenses, including allegations of “war crimes,” national security cases, murder, manslaughter, homicide, rape, sexual assault, other sex related offenses, drug offenses, computer crimes (pornography), larceny, fraud, AWOL/desertion, conduct unbecoming, military academy offenses, offenses within combat zones, senior officer cases and other military specific offenses around the world. [ Attorney Bio ]